After more than three years of waiting I chosen up my design 3 from Tesla’s Edinburgh service centre at the end of June as well as drove it house to northern Ireland via a 5-day path around the Scottish Highlands.
So, after 3 months as well as over 3,500 miles, right here are some thoughts on the car.
Καλό καλύτερο το καλύτερο
When I put my order (May 2019) there were 3 different versions available in the UK. The variety topping ‘Performance’, the ‘Long variety AWD’, as well as the starter priced ‘Standard variety Plus’, which is the one I went for.
Tech & Equipment
Even in this base design 3 the common devices listing is excellent…
Dual zone Aircon
12-way power adjustable heated front seats
15″ Touchscreen
Auto dimming, power folding, heated side mirrors
Music as well as media over Bluetooth
Custom driver profiles
Centre console with storage as well as 4 USB ports
Premium seat material as well as trim
Upgraded audio – immersive sound
LED Front Fog Lamps (no longer included)
App Control
Keyless Entry
Docking for 2 smartphones
There are likewise many other features that don’t in shape into the usual cars and truck classifications such as TeslaCam, a dashcam system that includes ‘Sentry Mode’ to screen your cars and truck when it is parked.
There are 8 cameras, 12 sonar sensors as well as a radar all feeding the new v3 AI computer. The system is discovering constantly as the neural web gets much better as well as much better – watch this video if you want to discover more (much more).
Passive keyless entry comes courtesy of Bluetooth as well as the smartphone app as well as this works truly well. just walk as much as the cars and truck with your phone in your pocket as well as pull the door handle for it to unlock. step in as well as put your foot on the brake pedal. The cars and truck is now on. Λαμπρός.
Photo credit history – reinisbphotography
When you leave, it locks itself when your phone is a few metres away. You can set an choice to provide a quick beep of the horn to verify this or you can look back as well as watch for the door mirrors folding in if you prefer a silent confirmation.
In addition, the cars and truck includes 2 RFID ‘credit cards’ that can be utilized to lock / unlock as well as begin it too. An optional £140 key fob is likewise offered however neither it nor the cards support the passive walk-up lock / unlock the method the phone app does. [UPDATE] The new updated keyfob that’s just been released now does have passive lock / unlock.
If you are worried about the security of any type of of these gadgets then you can just turn on ‘PIN to Drive’ to add the extra demand to go into a personal identification number to begin your car.
The 15.4-inch (39 cm) LCD landscape touchscreen is the single point of manage for the car, even opening the glovebox is done from here.
Click to Enlarge
The interface takes a bit of learning, however it rewards. Its chock-full of bit touches that you requirement to find too. For example, a micro-flick of any type of of the seat controls is a shortcut to bring up the mirror as well as steering wheel modification options. press as well as hold the volume or temperature icons on the screen as well as you can slide your finger left as well as right to set the level.
The screen can be distracting though as well as the wiper controls in specific are ripe for improvement. An update to add a double-click on the end of the stalk to bring the wipers on at speed 1 would help. The software-controlled auto setting is not as much as the task currently, not detecting rain early sufficient or wiping commonly enough, as well as sometimes wiping for no reason. This is since Tesla are utilizing their cameras as well as AI to find rain, rather than a devoted sensor like most (all?) other cars and truck manufacturers. It should get much better over time hopefully.
The screen switches to a dark night mode based on time.
As for the lack of a binnacle behind the wheel, this is something you fail to remember within about 20 minutes of your very first drive. My much better half stated she was already utilized to the speedo being in the centre of the cars and truck just from being in the traveler seat. It’s a similar modification to your iphone losing its house button, something you soon never even believe about. a few of the advantages are much better exposure out the front of the cars and truck as well as fresh air for the driver directly with the steering wheel via the clever slotted fan system.
The HomeLink garage door opener is no longer included in any type of design 3 however can be added for $300. That cost includes the (bumper off) fitting at a Tesla service centre.
Even though it’s a saloon, the design 3 has a hatch back shape as well as sometimes you do miss having a rear wiper to remove the screen. most times the rear camera is able to compensate though. even with the rear window cleAR, η High Line της δεν προσφέρει εξαιρετική έκθεση πίσω σας. Οι ιδιοκτήτες σκύλων καθώς και άλλοι οπαδοί του hatchback μπορεί να προτιμούν το σχεδιασμό να έρχονται το 2021;
Αυτόματο πιλότος
Τα βασικά χαρακτηριστικά αυτόματου πιλότου είναι πλέον κοινά σε όλα τα σχεδιαστικά 3, καθώς και αυτό είναι όπως θα πρέπει να είναι όπως το Tesla είναι πιθανότατα κατανοητό για αυτή την τεχνολογία πάνω απ ‘όλα. Έτσι τώρα όλα τα αυτοκίνητα και το φορτηγό διαθέτουν προσαρμοστική κρουαζιέρα (ακριβώς μέχρι μια στάση), αυτόματη διαδρομή καθώς και ένα σύστημα προειδοποίησης αναχώρησης λωρίδων.
Κατά τη στιγμή της παραγγελίας, η επιλογή ήταν εκεί για να πληρώσει ένα ακόμη £ 4.900 για το πακέτο FSD (πλήρη αυτο -οδήγηση) που προσθέτει Summon, Auto Lane Change, AutoPark καθώς και να περιηγηθείτε στον αυτόματο πιλότο. Μερικά από αυτά τα χαρακτηριστικά δεν προσφέρονται ακόμη στο Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο λόγω νομοθετικών ζητημάτων. Το υλικό για αυτούς είναι τοποθετημένο σε κάθε αυτοκίνητα και φορτηγό, ώστε να μπορούν να ενεργοποιηθούν για χρέωση σε οποιοδήποτε είδος χρόνου στο μέλλον, αν και θα πληρώσετε περισσότερα από ό, τι εάν πληρώσατε μαζί με το αυτοκίνητο. Πιστεύω ότι αυτή είναι κακή αξία, ειδικά με τους παρόντες περιορισμούς εδώ.
Το Radar Cruise Manage είναι ένα βήμα προς τα πίσω σε ορισμένες περιπτώσεις. Μου αρέσει να χτυπήσω κρουαζιέρα όταν έρχομαι σε ζώνη 30mph ή 40mph, καθώς και με χαζή συστήματα που λειτουργεί καλά. Ωστόσο, με το «έξυπνο» ραντάρ Tesla, τα αυτοκίνητα και το φορτηγό σε τακτική βάση σβήνει καθώς και άλματα στα φρένα. Μερικές φορές αυτό οφείλεται σε ένα σταθμευμένο αυτοκίνητο και φορτηγό (που δεν βρίσκεται στο μονοπάτι σας), μερικές φορές ένας πεζός ή όχημα διασχίζει με ασφάλεια μια μακρά μέθοδο κάτω από το δρόμο από εσάς, μερικές φορές χωρίς προφανή λόγο καθόλου. Αυτό σας κάνει α) εξαιρετικά ενοχλημένο, β) μοιάζουν με ένα εργαλείο σε οποιονδήποτε συμμορφώνεται μαζί σας καθώς και γ) επιθυμία να έχετε μεγάλη παλιά κρουαζιέρα βανίλιας πίσω γύρω από την πόλη. Σε δίκαιη κατάσταση αυτό ήταν κυρίως το ίδιο ακριβώς στα τελευταία αυτοκίνητα και φορτηγό που είχα ότι είχε διαχειριζόμενη κρουαζιέρα με συνείδηση στο διαδίκτυο. Ας ελπίσουμε ότι είναι ένα ακόμη από εκείνα τα πράγματα που “παίρνουν πολύ καλύτερα με την πάροδο του χρόνου”.
Στον αυτοκινητόδρομο, ωστόσο, το σύστημα είναι κυρίως εξαιρετικό. Αυτό ήταν αυτό που παρήγαγε καθώς και όπου εκτελεί το καλύτερο. Οδήγησα το M6 από το Μάντσεστερ στη Gretna εντελώς σε αυτόματο πιλότο, καθώς ήταν λαμπρό, μπαρ το περίεργο blip, κυρίως σε ράμπες εκτός όπου υπάρχει ένα διάλειμμα στις λευκές γραμμές στην αριστερή πλευρά. Τα αυτοκίνητα και τα φορτηγά σας nags και συχνά (κάθε 15 δευτερόλεπτα στον αυτοκινητόδρομο) για να κρατήσετε τα χέρια σας στο τιμόνι, ακόμα και όταν είναι ήδη εκεί, καθώς και να βάλετε κάποια ροπή στο τιμόνι για να σας αισθανθεί.
Το Design 3 δεν ελέγχει τις ενδείξεις του δρόμου, όπως τα παλαιότερα αδέλφια του, εξοπλισμένα με κινητά, έτσι βασίζεται σε δεδομένα GPS για όρια ταχύτητας. Έχω ανακαλύψει ότι σε πολλούς δρόμους αυτές οι λεπτομέρειες είναι λάθος, καθώς αυτό είναι ιδιαίτερα απογοητευτικό όταν η κρουαζιέρα διαχειρίζεται τον εαυτό του με το όριο ταχύτητας.
Εφαρμογές, δεδομένα εφαρμογής λογισμικού και διασκέδαση
Η εφαρμογή για κινητά είναι εξαιρετική, επιτρέποντάς σας να διαχειριστείτε συγκεκριμένα στοιχεία του οχήματος, όπως η θερμοκρασία, οι κλειδαριές, οι προβολείς καθώς και το κέρατο, καθώς και η ικανότητα να προβάλλετε τη θέση του καθώς και να καθορίσετε την χρέωση. Είναι ιδιαίτερα ευχάριστο να χρησιμοποιηθεί μετά από το βδέλυγμα που ήταν η εφαρμογή Nissan Leaf. Οι ειδοποιήσεις Push είναι χρήσιμες καθώς και το Apple Watch.
Προφανώς η εφαρμογή χρειάζεται συνδεσιμότητα με τα αυτοκίνητα και το φορτηγό, καθώς και αρκετές φορές τώρα το 3 μου έχει χάσει τη σύνδεσή της LTE για περίπου μια μέρα που σημαίνει ότι η εφαρμογή είναι σε θέση να διαχειρίζεται μόνο τα πράγματα όταν βρίσκεται στο εύρος Bluetooth.
App tesla – κάντε κλικ για μεγέθυνση
Εγώ επίσης υπέγραψα για την 3η γιορτή της υπηρεσίας Teslafi καθώς και μου αρέσει η απίστευτη σειρά των στατιστικών που καταγράφει για το αυτοκίνητο. Μετά από κάθε μονάδα λαμβάνω ένα μήνυμα ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου που δείχνει τις παρακάτω πληροφορίες, καθώς και όλα αυτά προσφέρονται και στο Διαδίκτυο.
Περίληψη ταξιδιού Teslafi – Κάντε κλικ για μεγέθυνση
I’ve had 5 software application updates since I got the cars and truck as well as version 10 is due any type of day now. Αυτές οι ενημερώσεις OTA (Over the Air) είναι ιδιαίτερα εντυπωσιακές, βελτιώνοντας τα χαρακτηριστικά των αυτοκινήτων και των φορτηγών εκτός από την προσθήκη νέων. It’s just one more area where Tesla are showing the method to the rest of the industry.
Tesla’s sense of humour is well documented (fart mode anyone?). somewhat more useful are the on-board games as well as version 10 will bring the capability to watch Netflix as well as YouTube while parked as well as on Wi-Fi.
Performance, handling & Ride
The design 3 feels fast as well as its 0-60 time of 5.3 seconds is just half a second timid of the E46 M3 I had a few years back. Not poor for the slowest cars and truck Tesla currently sells.
However, the car’s most impressive acceleration seems to be from around 40 mph on (Auto reveal magazine reports 30-50mph in 1.9 seconds as well as 50-70mph in 2.6 seconds). While all electric cars and trucks are governed to some extent, the preliminary acceleration from zero feels like it’s being held back extremely artificially on the SR+. I assumption this is most likely so the 0-60 performance of this lightest design 3 (the smallest battery as well as no front motor) aren’t as well close to the times of the more costly 3’s, S as well as X. It definitely feels like it might quickly be ‘uncorked’ at a later date.
It’s worth discussing that performance tails off as the battery level goes down. I’d like to see a few of the cars and truck mags do 0-60’s for each 10% decrease in SoC (state of charge) to quantify this.
In addition to that powerful immediate torque, the Tesla’s ultra-low centre of gravity means it handles incredibly well too. I had checked out about the GoKart like flat cornering as well as it’s all true. An added benefit of putting the cars and trucks heaviest component, the battery, between the wheels means that the cars and truck has a low polar moment of inertia. even the rear motor sits somewhat ahead of the rear axle as well as this all combines to make it easier to modification direction quickly, providing it more in typical with a mid-engined sports cars and truck than a 5 seater household saloon.
While the steering feel is quite numb, it is super quick (just 2 turns lock to lock) as well as that adds to the agility as well as provides the final aspect in this smile factory. There are three settings under the driving menu, Comfort, common as well as sport which need progressively stronger effort from the driver to turn the wheel.
Chill mode dulls the accelerator response, nevertheless you have no gain access to to full power in an emergency in this setting. The leaf had a button on the floor under the pedal which enabled you to override Eco mode, however alas not on the 3. So I just leave the cars and truck in common mode as well as implement my own chill mode with a light touch on the loud peaceful pedal.
Before I got the car, I utilized to believe Tesla would benefit from a regen paddle. other manufacturers have done this as well as the capability to boost regen as you come into a corner by pulling on a paddle a couple of times might improve the driving experience. However, on the design 3 you can do this, however all with your right foot. In the opposite to the method the leaf worked, regen right here is at first light, however as you lift off more as well as get towards the final part of the accelerator’s travel it boosts substantially. You won’t requirement to touch the brake pedal unless you are driving rather difficult – as well as then the truth that regen won’t sluggish you sufficient suddenly seems strange. around 30 minutes of driving sees your muscle mass memory change to the regen. From that day ahead the weirdest thing is getting into a piston cars and truck as well as trying to cope with its strange coasting behaviour as well as lack of a KERS.
Wheels, Tyres & Mods
I had ordered the Tesla Aero Wheel Cap set so I might get the less-than-pretty aero wheel covers off as well as expose the handsome alloys beneath.
The common in shape Michelin Pilot sport 4 tyres (235/45 ZR18) are a truly nice high quality touch. I noticed that some design 3’s with the upgraded Tesla 19″ sport alloys include the more budget plan Hankook rubber instead.
Although I like the style I’ve always felt that the common 18″ wheels look as well little for the design 3.
I ordered these satin black 20″ Turbine alloys from the us as well as they shown up a number of weeks before the car, however that provided me time to get them ceramic coated before the tyres went on.
They are a staggered set – Fronts 8.5″ wide (tyres 235/35-20) as well as Rears 10″ wide (tyres 275/30-20) as well as I got these black Tesla T Wheel centres on Amazon.
These are mainly a cosmetic change, although the Michelin Pilot sport 4S tyres are a grip upgrade. They do reduce the effectiveness of the cars and truck though, with a decrease of around 15% by my calculations.
But I like the look of the 20’s as well as still have the stock 18’s. If I ever go on a trans-European road trip then they will go back on for maximum range. finest of both worlds.
It will be fascinating to see what a rear wheel drive Tesla is like in the snow as well so the 18’s might turn into winter wheels.
The cars and truck has had a Gtechniq ceramic coating, been de-chromed as well as had the brake callipers painted red, all by PMG Autocare in Belfast. I have one more couple of mods to do over the coming weeks to total the look.
The design 3’s steel as well as aluminium building has been accident tested in the USA by the national highway web traffic security administration as well as they discovered it to have the lowest probability of injury of any type of vehicle they’ve ever tested (although referring to it as such seems to have triggered a bit of a spat between the NHTSA as well as Tesla).
Closer to these parts the cars and truck just recently gained 5 stars in the Euro NCAP test as well as they commented…
The Tesla design 3 made a strong debut with a perfect score in the frontal balance out deformable barrier accident test, a mainstay of Euro NCAP’s evaluation since its inception in 1997. Its performance in the securiΟι δοκιμές βοήθειας TY εντυπωσίασαν ιδιαίτερα, χάρη στα εξαιρετικά συστήματα βοήθειας οδηγών όπως η υποστήριξη λωρίδων, η βοήθεια ταχύτητας καθώς και η αυτόνομη πέδηση έκτακτης ανάγκης. Η βαθμολογία 94 % του Tesla στο